Introducing the confident kitchen kickstart: guiding you through a culinary adventure that will empower you to cook with ease, efficiency, and enthusiasm!

Live with intention & dive into meal planning with the free Confident Kitchen Kickstart. Stop trying to do it all on your own.


truth be told

You can’t expect to achieve your goals if your

mindset and actions fail to align.

This virtual kickstart isn't just about cooking—it's about empowering you to feel confident and capable in your own kitchen. Plus, it's designed with beginners in mind, offering the support and guidance you need to kickstart your meal planning journey. Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain confidence and enjoy cooking at home!

what's inside the free Confident Kitchen Kickstart?

You can let life steer you in any which way, or you can grab the reigns, gain back control, and live a life overflowing with positivity and joy!


Learn the mindset shifts to approach cooking with confidence.


Build a foundation for your meal planning with purpose.


Discover strategies for organizing your kitchen for efficiency and inspiration.


Tips for auditing your kitchen from equipment, inventory and set up.


Master the basics of meal planning for stress-free cooking.


Daily activities to start implementing each teaching.


A look into how meal planning can be with our saved collection for the cooking demo.

Tony & Melissa

Hi, we are Tony & Melissa! The creators, owners and chefs behind Two Chef Mission and the Confident Kitchen Kickstart.

With over 15 years of combined culinary experience, as well as being parents of three, we understand the challenges busy families face when it comes to preparing healthy and delicious meals while juggling hectic schedules.

If we're not busy crafting delicious recipes or guiding families through meal planning adventures, you'll often find us embracing the chaos of family life with our three little ones. 

Welcome to Two Chef Mission, where every meal is a celebration of family, flavor, and the joy of cooking together!

Life can be pretty beautiful. 

Sometimes you just need a little help making it that way.